Text Formatting
Normal text obviously works, however specific formatting works as well.
Text can be bold or italic (or a combination of both).
Hyperlinks work as expected1
That link leads to a special website by the way
Let that last point be struck from the record
Another aside to state that emojis are made accessible with proper screenreader tags: 🚀🚀🚀
Example of loading a remote image:
Image located within a figure
Syntax | Description |
Header | Title |
Paragraph | Text |
#!/bin/shecho "This is a terminal, wow!"
// Example functionfunction add(a, b) { return a + b;}
// Example functionfunction add(a, b) {2 collapsed lines
console.log("Hello"); console.log("World");
return a + b;}
--- a/README.md+++ b/README.md@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@+this is an actual diff file-all contents will remain unmodified no whitespace will be removed either
function thisIsJavaScript() { // This entire block gets highlighted as JavaScript, // and we can still add diff markers to it! console.log('Old code to be removed') console.log('New and shiny code!')}
This is note what you are looking for
This isn’t what you are looking for.
Here is some advice: this isn’t what you are looking for
It is important for you to know that this is not what you are looking for
I am warning you - this isn’t what you are looking for
Uh oh, this is not what you are looking for
Here’s a simple footnote2
Unordered Lists
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
Ordered Lists
- Hello
- World
- Help
Nested Lists
- Hello
- Why Hello
- This is a fine day
- Yes it is
Task Lists
- Write the press release
- Update the website
- Contact the media
KBD Element
This is a blockquote, which is commonly used when quoting another person or document.
Blockquotes are indicated by a
at the start of each line.
Wouldn’t it be fun if
We had nested Blockquotes
Triple nested??? Blockquote-ception?